PG Software, distributeur historique des solutions ManageEngine en France, depuis 2004


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Les éditions AD360


Édition Standard

Édition Professionnelle

Gestion AD

+150 Rapports Active Directory Available Available
Gestion AD User Available Available
Gestion AD Computer Available Available
Gestion Multi-Domaines Available Available
Délégation Help Desk Available Available
Planification des Rapports Unavailable Available
Gestion Groupes/Contact AD Unavailable Available
Administration UO Unavailable Available
Workflow/Automatisation Unavailable Available
Gestion GPO Unavailable Available

Audit AD

AD Logon Activity Monitoring Available Available
AD User, Group, Computer, OU and GPO Change Auditing Available Available
Active Directory Alerts and E-mail Notifications Available Available
Group Policy Object settings audit Unavailable Available
Track all attribute changes of User, Computer, Groups and OU Unavailable Available
New/Old Value audit AD Object attributes Unavailable Available
Permission change audit for OU, Users, Groups, Computers and GPO Unavailable Available
File Servers and NetApp Filers Auditing Addon AD360 Addon AD360
Workstations and Member Servers Auditing Addon AD360 Addon AD360

Password Self-Service

Réinitialisation mot de passe et Dévérouillage compte Available Available
Mise à jour infos AD et Recherche Available Available
Synchronisation mot de passe multiplateforme Available Available
Notification expiration mot de passe et compte Available Available
Changement mot de passe Available Available
ADSelfService Plus GINA/Credential Provider extension Unavailable Available
Support Database MSSQL Externe Unavailable Available

Reporting Exchange

Reporting Trafic E-mail Available Available
Statistiques Utilisation OWA Available Available
Reporting Evolution et Taille Boîte Mail Available Available
Suivi Evolution Stockage Available Available
Mailbox Permission Reporting Available Available
Audit de serveur d'échanges Unavailable Available
editions separator

Vous n'êtes pas certain sur le choix de l'édition, contactez-nous.

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Cache hits : 594 [98%]
Cache misses : 8 [1%]
Cache total : 602
Url added to cache : 677

Misses list








In memory, waiting to be written : 2
Ram used : 42232